The Tuscany of Pinocchio

A beautiful little sky-blue carriage

The Animals

The bestiary of Pinocchio
................. Beastly encounters...

"- I beg your pardon, Mr. Serpent, would you be so kind as to step aside a little, just enough to let me pass?- He might as well have spoken to a brick wall. Nothing moved. So he began once again, in the same little voice: - You see, Mr. Serpent, I’m going home where my father is waiting for me and it’s been such a long time since I last saw him! Would you allow me to continue on my way?- "

Animals from all over the world. For each one of whom their own natural habitat has been recreated.

Certainly the animals would be better off in their place of origin, together with others of their kind.

However, the exotic animals that you can encounter, haven’t been taken from freedom but were born in captivity, here in Pistoia or transferred here from other Zoological Gardens within the framework of projects to safeguard particular species threatened by extinction or in projects for the reintroduction in nature of animals born in captivity.

Come to experience some real beastly encounters

  1. The bestiary of Pinocchio
  2. Everyone to the Zoo
  1. The natural habitat
  2. All aboard
  1. A day in the country
  2. Everyone to the farm!

pinocchioSviluppo Turistico Collodi

Via Pasquinelli, 6 - 51012 Pescia -
Telefono:+ 39 0572 429613
Fax:+ 39 0572 429614
Partita Iva 01829890472



The House of Pinocchio
The Land of toys
The Water
The Animals
The Paper