The Gluttonous Dream
................ Irresistible Opportunities
"The poor cat, who had an extremely upset stomach, could eat nothing except thirty-five mullets in tomato sauce and four portions of tripe, Parmesan style; and as the tripe didn’t seem seasoned enough, he treated himself to three more helpings of butter and grated cheese.
The Fox, too, would have willingly nibbled on something, but as the doctor had put him on a strict diet, he had to make do with a plain hare in strong, sweet sauce with a very light garnish of plump pullets and tender cockerels. And after the hare, wanting a change of taste, he ordered an omelette of pheasants, partridges, frogs and lizards and paradise grapes; and then he didn’t want anything else. He was so sick of food he said he could put nothing else in his mouth"
The gluttonous dream of the Tuscany of Pinocchio, is much more digestible than the meal eaten by the Cat and the Fox and much more tempting! Because Pinocchio dreams of sweets.
It’s the Fairy’s ball of sugar or the cake filled with jam that are for him convincingly irresistible matters!
Here therefore are two opportunities not to be missed: Visit a real chocolate factory and a confectionery that produces confetti according to antique medieval recipes!
Sviluppo Turistico Collodi
Via Pasquinelli, 6 - 51012 Pescia -
Telefono:+ 39 0572 429613
Fax:+ 39 0572 429614
Partita Iva 01829890472